Saturday, January 29, 2011

Percolating on a leap of faith RANDOM WRITE

The second day of class, Professor Ellison asked us why we were taking creative writing.  I have been percolating on this ever since.  Why did I sign up for this class?   I have no desire to be a writer, or an english teacher.  My grammar sucks too bad anyways.  (As you will see.)  Well for starters let me give you a little bit of history.  It has been years since I originally dropped out of college to do the "band thing," and for years I was satisfied with being dirt poor and just playing "for the sake of playing."   When its just you and your band, (guitars, live drums, amplifiers) and the 4 walls that separate you from the outside world, the pinnacle of ultimate freedom is felt.  However, there is a downside.  After awhile getting paid with a pitcher of free beer and a few hundred bucks to split between 4 people can be frustrating to say the least.  And since that's not enough to live on,  I took a job that allowed freedom to play and rehearse: bar tending!!  Surprised? Yeah, didn't think so.  Eventually the high I felt from playing was not enough to make up for the very limited lifestyle I had.  Especially after the economy got so terrible which in turn effected my bar wages. I did what I wanted in my youth and now I'm a little bit older and want something else.  Since I am not qualified for anything I decided to go back and finish college. (Hoping that will help prevent me from working in a restaurant the rest of my life.)  I love school anyways, always did.  If I were a rich man's daughter I would have been a career student.  So, when it was time to chose what classes I was going to take, after a 14 year break, I decided to take whatever I wanted, regardless of my major.   In choosing this class, I knew it was going to challenge me and do it in a way that I haven't been challenged in years.  I've always enjoyed writing and there is something in me, fiercely tugging at my instinct, saying somewhere down the line this class will be beneficial in your life.  Where I least expect it.  So, here I am.  Taking this class on a leap of faith.


  1. Art in general-- visual, audio, or written, are all intertwined. You'll find that the same spirit you had in your music will surface in your writing. Art both strange and fantastic. I went to SCAD for a bit where I was going to major in illustration/Sequential art before I changed it to graphic design, which was also before I quit.

    I can draw, I can use a charcoal stick to make a realistic portrait of a person. I can also write because writing is art and art is what I do. By the time you leave this class, I feel sure you'll be glad you started it.

  2. lol, and of course I leave out a word in one of my sentences. Some English major I am. And I wanted to be an editor too... wow.

    Umm, so that should have read "Art IS both strange and fantastic" but it didn't say that. Sometimes my mind assures me that I've put a word in a sentence when in actuality, my fingers were not in on the plan.
