Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Junkyard quotes

1.  The government long ago stopped caring about the best interests of its citizens, maybe they did the first 100 years but not now.  Now they care only about money, how to get it and get the most. If they seem to care now, its only to keep them in power. 

2.  To serve and protect is written on a police car: What they serve and protect is THEIR best interests.  Their biggest interest is money and generating as much as they can for their bankrupt county or city.  This way, their fat fucking pensions will ensure they can still smoke cuban cigars once they retire.

3.  As the cop left me on the side of the road at 3am I saw "to serve and protect" written on its car.   He left me on the side of the road to walk home in one of the most dangerous of all zones in Atlanta, at 3 am.  Where I was walking was a 5 min car ride but a 30 min. walk and he knew that.  Where the hell is the CIVIC DUTY IN THAT!              -------Friend of mine who got laid off and hadn't gotten her unemployment yet.  She had to let her insurance lapse in order to pay rent. You know, keep a roof over her head. The cop towed her car, 1 mile away from her house.  In East Atlanta! on Moreland Ave.! which is zone 6 ! A neighborhood with an enormous reputation for being laden with criminal activity. 

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