Monday, March 14, 2011

Reading Response Week 1 for prose

Popular Mechanics was pretty cool.  I seemed to like it more after our class discussion. I would assume this is  pretty common for enthusiastic english students since literary criticisms/discussions gives you a better understanding of what you are reading.  A deeper understanding allows a better appreciation allowing a more concise opinion.  A new concept I learned from the discussion is reader denial.  I think I have read a lot of things in which I experienced reader denial.  And whats funny about that is,  I think I knew all along I was in reader denial but I was in denial about it.  Anyways, like I said in class, after I finished reading Popular Mechanics the image of the baby being torn in half entered my mind but just as quick as it came my rationale threw it right out.  And just like Yeeva, the biblical story of the baby being cut in half by two women claiming to be the mom also entered my head. Another experience I had from reading this story was the vivid images that came to me even though there was an absence of details.  I saw the little house they  lived in and felt the silence and sadness that lingered there as sure as the air is present. 

After reading the intro to Steering The Craft, I am anxious to get started with this portion of the course.  I  always read a books intro, but this one was actually enjoyable.  Her conversational style relaxed and excited me instead of stressing me out / intimidating me on the process of developing good writing skills.

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