Saturday, February 26, 2011

Random write week 6


After an arduous day at school,  I let my mind wonder for an hour instead of my writing hand.  When the alarm went off I realize I was concentrating on something funny.  Am I becoming a redneck?  I contemplate this because of my choice of escapism this past week: Dog the Bounty Hunter. This will be Exhibit A. Yeah I can't believe it myself.  But, there is actually something endearing about Dwayne, The Dog.  After he captures a fugitive, (if they aren't a murderer, rapist, or pedophile) he speaks to them with respect, feeds them if they are hungry, and gives them cigarettes along with sincere encouragement.  He suggests to them they are not bad because they have made bad decisions.   Perhaps because I am a psych. major will explain what attracts me to his empathy.  Anyways, I am getting off track.  Exhibit B: Last night, as my dog walked me,  I remembered I was jogging with a cigarette in my hand.  I'd also like to state that his name is Dig, coined after porn star Dirk Diggler from Boogie Nights, because he is a shining star.  (And the fact that when we picked him up off the street in Atlanta he wasn't neutered and humped everything in sight.)  Have I proven my point yet?  If not, let me shred the last bit of dignity I have with Exhibit C:  I am sitting at my husbands bar with 4 rock-a-billy dudes  praising the coolness of George Jones, while singing at the top of our lungs, wait for it, wait for it:  He stopped loving her today. "The best love song EVER"-  according to Lou and Dan.
My father hates the term "redneck" and finds it insulting.  He grew up on a tobacco farm, began work at the age of 4 and learned how to roll his own smokes at 6.  A self-made man he is very proud.  His interpretation of redneck is a derogatory name for farmers or people who grew up in the country.  And I guess he is right.  But, I am being derogatory... towards myself.  I can do that, right?   Now, in all honesty, I don't really think I am a redneck but like I said in class today I am out of inspiration as far as writing goes and I don't mind poking fun at myself.  And hey,  at least I don't dip or take snuff, right...?

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