Saturday, February 26, 2011

Junkyard quotes week 5

Since I have been in an inspiration standstill, I have decided to take my favorite passages from our readings as my junkyard quotes.   Hopefully, some established poems can instill some life in my own, rather than seeking out the poetry in the life that surrounds me:
1.)  sheep clouds gather below the buff
        How many times have I looked at clouds in my lifetime, but never saw them as sheep, But now that the image is etched in my minds eye its as if they've always being sheep. The power of a good descriptive line.

2.) I worry about a winter in a place I've never been, about exiles in their homeland gathered around a fire, about the slavery of substance and gruel: will there be enough to eat?
       Here I not only am able to visual the family gathered around a fire in some Afghanistan cave, but when I read this line I actually feel the desperation.

3.)... malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, machetes of he jefes.
      This quote took me a minute to realize that she was referring to Indian chiefs.  However, this is another excellent descriptive quote, the machetes of jefes.  simple, direct, but invoking a feeling from their deaths.

4.)...and the slits in their throats are neat professional slits, as if four envelopes were opened:
         Again, the imagery here is simply stated, but so little sometimes can say soo much.

5.) The fog is all but asleep in the woods, evening deepens the house.
       I actually hear the silence in the house from this quote.

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