Monday, February 14, 2011

Reading Response week 3 Style

I really enjoyed the chapter on Style.  My approach to developing my own artistic voice has been carried out the same way the chapter describes.  For instance, when teaching myself how to play bass, I learned as many John Paul Jones bass lines as possible.  I proceeded to learn songs by various artists, and in doing so I was "investigating the various contexts" of each song, and "building a vast repository" of sounds and techniques.  This is turn broadened my views of possibilities and eventually I began to riff off someone else songs by adding harmonies, embellishments, etc.  After years of playing, I did develop my own style.  I do believe that eventually my own poetic style will emerge by applying this same technique. 
I also would like to add that after reading about the recursive method, I did not think that I would enjoy writing this way.  However,  I loved A Mown Lawn, and during class when we were asked to write in this style, I really dug it. I instinctively think if there is no narrative meaning then I'm not going to like it.  Not the case anymore.  Professor Ellison told us to stop editing ourselves and once I heeded to that advice, I felt I was in the "flow" as discussed in Chapter 1.  I really enjoyed the freedom I felt.

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